he number of Turkey's tourists and
its income from tourism continues
to grow steadily. Its strong
economy has made Turkey a secure
haven for foreign investors. New hotel
investments continue to unfold. Surveys
show that after London, Istanbul ranks
second in the world in generating the
greatest number of available beds. As
work to diversify services in tourism has
gained momentum, alternative tourism
opportunities have also been created.
The success of congress tourism
has made its impact in the
global arena. In 2013,
tourism revenues rose by
11.4 percent over the
previous year, reaching
32.3 billion dollars. In the
same period, the number
of tourists increased from
37.7 million to 39.8 million.
In the light of recent political
developments, it can be said that
the tourism sector left behind a
challenging but successful year,
sustaining its contributions to the
production of stakeholder industries. In
recent years, the gastronomy sector,
which has turned into a colorful world
of new brands, has become a major
player with the record purchases that
have been made by the strong
corporations in the field. The food and
beverages sector is now in a position to
compete with the rest of the world. The
flavors of Turkish cuisine and its self-
made chefs are the center of attraction.
Gastronomy has become an inherent
part of promoting Turkey.
The industrial market that supplies
products and services has continued to
take stronger steps with the force of its
own dynamics. The suppliers serving
the HORECA sector have surpassed
their local criteria of service, finding the
opportunity to reach regions both near
and far. Product portfolios have
expanded; R&D efforts have
accelerated. The "Turkish brand" has
grown in the travel industry and
attracted the attention of foreign
tourists. Besides the hospitality sector,
the developments that have taken place
particularly in aviation as well as in
transportation, technology services and
design have contributed positively to the
perception of total quality.
Newplayershave takenthestageandthe
"A shortcut to the tourism industry"
The Boyut Publishing Group, which has
become the leading publishing
corporation in the travel and gastronomy
sectors as it closely follows the products
and developments in these industries,
continues to offer solutions to meet the
needs of professionals with its Tourism
Industry Guide and Hotel & Travel,
publications that are updated annually.
The Tourism Industry Guide, boasting 18
years of experience, qualifies both
in Turkey and internationally as
the sector's most successful
source of reference, a
catalog that you will want
to keep by your side at all
times The Turkey Hotels &
Travel Guide and the
Tourism Industry Guide are
complementary publications
that aredistributed together.
The two guides stand out as
catalogs that have access to
Turkey's largest distribution network,
particularly made up businesses
engaged in tourism.
Youmay access the Tourism Industry
Guide at any time you wish over the
Internet or by playing the CD-Rom.
Described by suppliers for 18 years as the
"Shortcut to the tourism industry," the
Tourism Industry Guide brings together
buyers, sellers, products, news, trade
opportunities, campaigns, fairs, tenders
and very valuable research reports,
providing a chance for tourism businesses
and suppliers to meet online on a huge e-
trade platform. You can start to benefit
from this unequaled resource right away
by visiting the website
, the most
comprehensive and informative webpages
in the sector, a virtual fair grounds
available to you 24/7, 365 days a year.
The Tourism Industry Guide makes use
of the latest information communications
technology to provide its contributors
with convenient and easily accessible
services and will continue to create new
opportunities for its professional
business partners in 2014.
Yours sincerely,
Nilgün Özükan
General Manager
P 12
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